Sunday, July 13, 2008

Day 49 July 13 White River 96 K

The view from Marathon this morning was downright depressing. Steady drizzle and 8 deg. temp. with a stiff wind. However, after a short day yesterday we knew that we had to "bite the bullet "! We donned our full winter/rain ensemble which we haven't needed since the mountains. Rain jackets, booties, gloves and,for the real wimps, can you believe touques.
Things always improve after a few miles on the bike and so it was today. The highway was first class,hills were gentle, traffic was light and the truckers were very civil. We stopped at Gloria's cafe for a tummy fillup and the weather seemed to improve. No longer cold, but just cool with a nice little breeze to blow us along. We arrived in White river relatively early and decided to motel it as we were all pretty wet and needed to dry out our gear.
Jim and Yvonne are cooking tonite. They always come up with something yummy. Do you get the impression that food is always on our mind? -- Pat!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Dave2 - Guadalupe and I are enjoying a leisurely time in Seattle while you guys are huffing up and down hills and dodging trucks. Great pictures and commentary. Hope you come with your bike to Seattle sometime- you can hit the trails around Lake Washington while G and I get enlightened. Take care. Nancy in Seattle