Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Day 22 & 23 - June 16 & 17 - Swift Current

Day 22- 81.6K Eagle Valley Campground to Gull Lake
Today's ride involved facing a SE wind for most of the trip. As we got into the Gull Lake campground, a huge thunderstorm hit us with full force. Thunder, lightening and hail greeted us. Yvonne was impressed! Jim and Ute's tent got flooded out and had to be moved to a safer location. The rest of us faired not too badly. A person in Regina was killed by a lighening bolt. Powerful!! Carol connected with a Grandmother from the Gull Lake Grandmothers for Africa.

Day23- 61.8K - Gull Lake to Swift Current
Land of the Living Sky dominated our day; riding under a blue, blue sky. As the day wore on the temperature rose and by the time we got to the Ponderosa Campground we were feeling very warm indeed. Today Yvonne has tied me the record for flat tires "2". Swift Current "where life makes sense!!" Tomorrow we are heading South to Ponteix along Hwy 13.


Paul said...

What's really scary is how far accross Saskatchewan you have travelled! You're nearly half way to Manitoba, heading for the Canadian shield. With the number of flat tyres you have had I hope that there are sufficient puncture kits or alternatively bike shops en route. According to GE Ponteix is predominantly populated by Fransaskois. How's your French (Canadian), eh? The temperatures seem to be in the 70s F. It's great to be crossing Canada vicariously.

Serge said...

Are the roads really paved with potash in the land of plenty? Florence, Stefan and I are really looking forward to meeting you in Winnipeg. Serge