Thursday, June 26, 2008

Day 29, Tues. June 24, Deloraine, 116 km.

We left Carnduff about 8 heading east on # 18. We stopped after 24 km. for coffee in Gainsborough and happened to meet four ladies (who would be preparing a tea for after a funeral later that day) and the mayor of the town. It was the most memorable thing we did today except for crossing the border into Manitoba and changing our watches an hour ahead.
We are back on the Red Coat Trail again but here it is named the NWMP Trail. The area is a little more up and down with the trees being larger and the farms more prosperous-looking.
We were fighting the wind and/or the road surfaces today. There were only gravel shoulders with a sharp drop-off but they weren't a problem as the traffic was light and the vehicles moved right over for us. We spent 5 hours and 55 minutes in the saddle today with an average speed of 19.5. It was a tough slog, topped off with our first encounter with mosquitoes.

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