Sunday, June 22, 2008

Day 26 Saturday June21 Weyburn 142k

The ride from Assiniboia was wonderfully assisted by Adele's uncle Ernie who, along with Brenda in the RV, transported bikes and riders past a nasty road construction site east of Assiniboia.

The only relief from flat visual deprivation was a brief stop at Ogema, where we observed a furniture auction supporting a local senior citizen's centre. Saskatchewan continues to have shown its tradition of supporting its people, while repecting their independence.

Our origiqal plan was to stop at Pangman, but favourable winds enabled us to continue to Weyburn - a long but successful day.

Six and half hours of riding, averaging 22kph, was an excellent test of both the resilience of our butts and the various compounds used to soothe them!!


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